I did manage to get a couple of neat things made.
My favorite is this neat felt star I made for my Wisconsin family's Christmas tree:

I found this really thick felt in the arts and crafts pile at my dad's house. I found directions for folding a 5 pointed star, and used that to make the pattern. I cut the 5 diamonds out of the felt, then whip-stitched them together with some pretty red thread. It turned out so well! Because the pieces didn't quite match up perfectly, it ended up being a little convex at the center, which gave it a nice three-demensional quality. I was so happy with it!
I also made beaded star ornaments.
They were pretty and simple: seed beads or bugle beads strung on wire, the wire twisted into a hook at the top. I used up some beads I have had around for a while. They were a particular hit with the little boys I nanny (a 3 year old and twin 6 year olds. I give their family a set of whatever ornaments I make each year instead of toys. Who needs more plastic junk!) They immediately discovered a characteristic I did not realize my stars possessed: they can be ... readjusted to be any shape you want them to be! They loved that.
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